Saturday, May 13, 2017

Delima said "we should seek more support to person with autism"

 Detained Senator Leila de Lima has filed a bill seeking to provide educational and medical support to persons with autism and special needs.

Senate Bill (SB) No. 1433 seeks "to establish a national road-map in addressing autism and providing educational and financial support to children and adults with special needs and their families."

"Autism is a developmental disability that has yet to be fully known and understood in the Philippines. And because of the lack of educational and financial support, it is only the upper and middle class families who can afford to send their autistic children to special schools," De Lima said.

Citing data from the Autism Society of the Philippines, she said that "one out of every 500 Filipinos suffer from autism – or approximately 200,000 Filipinos out of a 100 million of the country's total population."

The Senator also noted that the shortage of trained and highly-skilled teachers and health providers should also be addressed.

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