Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Babies Were Born With The Most Abnormal Disorder

Babies need to develop inside the womb during pregnancy for nine months. During these critical times we are hoping and praying that they will grow healthy until it’s time. With the help of technology, any signs of abnormalities can be detected early and avoided if possible. But sometimes even with these hi-tech equipment, some rare diseases and deformities are inevitable.Through out time, many babies are born with bizarre disorder or disease and it totally tore the hearts of many, especially their parents. What’s even worse is, these babies faced discrimination and bullying from insensitive and uneducated people. And to help these babies from being mocked off, we need to be aware and educate others about these birth defects. Below are the information about these rare illnesses.

1.Epidermolysis Bullosa- Baby Easton was born with Epidermolysis Bullosa on August 23, 2012 – a severely painful, incurable rare genetic skin disease. Skin on most of his limbs were missing, covered in scary, deep red, open wounds.Known as Butterfly Disease, it is an inherited connective tissue disease causing blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes. It is a result of a defect in anchoring between the epidermis and dermis, resulting in friction and skin fragility. So fragile, if the skin is rubbed it can cause blisters, mostly affected areas are hands and feet. The cause of this disorder is genetic mutation and for the whole life, you’ll be treating the wounds that refuses to heal. This disease may happen in 1 out of 50,000 people.

2. Harlequin-Type Ichthyosis-A Harlequin baby was born in Gilgit Pakistan in 2010, People started calling the baby “Alien baby” because the baby had blood-red eyes and tiger stripes on his body.Harlequin-Type Ichthyosis is a rare skin disease with massive scales on the body which is reddish in color. This unusual birth disorder happens when Keratin layer is condensed in fetal human skin, a mutation in the protein gene. Eyes, ears, mouth and other parts may be constricted. Bacterial infection is at high-risk for babies with Harlequin.

3.Congenital Arhinia- Timothy Eli Thompson was prematurely born without nasal passages or sinus cavities known as complete congenital arhinia. He was born on March 4, 2015 in Alabama. Despite his appearance, her mother called him a “perfect miracle baby.”Congenital Arhinia is a rare condition wherein a child is born without a nose and parts of the olfactory ‘the sense of smell’ system. This condition is extremely rare, that it only has a chance of happening to one in 197 million people, with less than 50 cases recorded worldwide.

4.Lamellar Ichthyosis- Song Sheng, from Jinhu, eastern China was born without pores in his skin which means his body cannot cool itself. He was called fish boy by locals after developing scales within days of his birth caused by his lack of pores.Lamellar Ichthyosis is a rare inherited skin disorder, affecting around 1 in 600,000 people. Babies suffering from this skin disorder shed the outer layer of their skin in just 10–14 days after birth as the primary sign. Vast scaling of the skin that looks like a fish scales, elbow, neck, armpit and groins skin starts tiling. In severe cases, scaling is visible all over the body with increasing age. Having this skin disorder, the body can’t sweat to cool down the body causing the fish like scaling on the skin.

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