Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Adoption is a common motif in local television series that feature children who get adopted by rich parents and grow up to have a completely luxurious lifestyle. That, or they get adopted by cruel-hearted parents instead, and the child suffers through psychological and physical abuse. In reality, life is not so dramatic. An adopted child could lead a completely normal life with a pair of loving parents, where he or she is properly taken care of.Little Things shared a story that featured a red-haired girl who was adopted by a couple.

Upon adoption, the little girl easily got along with her sister, the couple’s biological daughter. She was quickly accepted by her adoptive family and was even given a birthday party in order to welcome her.The father also brought her to parks, where they played catch, among other things. Eventually, as the days passed by, they noticed the girl changing little by little.

She would spill drinks at the table and stain the tablecloth. She would get reprimanded by the couple all the time. It came to the point that even her sister wouldn’t like to play with her anymore.The girl tried to get her parents’ attention lots of times, but she was unsuccessful. It seemed like they suddenly regretted the fact that they adopted her in the first place. One day, out of nowhere, her father decided to grabbed her hand and take her to the car.

He was going to leave her alone along the side of the road.

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