Friday, February 24, 2017


Issei Sagawa murdered a Dutch friend in Paris, cut up her body and ate parts of it 11 years ago. Today, instead of being punished for his crime, he has become a minor celebrity here. Sagawa has written four books. He is the author of a weekly column in a widely circulated tabloid and appears on television. He has shown up in compromising poses in pornographic magazines.

Some journalists and literati have written agreed about his work; they call him Sagawa - kun , addressing him with a term of endearment reserved for children or young friends.
"The public has made me the godfather of cannibalism, and I am happy about that," Sagawa wrote recently. "I will always look at the world through the eyes of a cannibal."

Indeed, there are indications that Sagawa again is following a perverse modus operandi, paying what some experts consider to be an alarming amount of attention to young, Caucasian women here.

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