Friday, March 3, 2017


Cheating is plainly wrong. Whatever reason may be given to justify the act, it is still not a good idea to cheat on a person you are committed to. It is simply unfair for all parties involved.That’s why you really can’t blame people who go ballistic after they discover that their boyfriend or girlfriend has cheated on them. Breaking someone’s trust truly brings with it some bitter consequences.

Despite that, we think what this girlfriend did to his cheating boyfriend is way too extreme. In the video embedded below, you will see a guy peacefully sleeping when his blissful rest suddenly gets interrupted by a scorching reality.

His girlfriend pours a nail polish on his private part and uses a gun lighter to set it off on fire. Why? Well, she found out he’s been cheating with her co-worker.If things aren’t really working in the relationship, it is usually advisable to settle things by having a formal breakup to make sure that no strings are attached when you get involved with another person. Still, what did woman did is not acceptable. I’m thinking the guy can press legal charges for this attack if he wants to. As YouTube commenter Manu Bouchard puts it,

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